Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ron Paul Takes Campaign Break to Bash Bernanke

I don’t vote because I don’t want to be an accomplice. If I did vote, I would vote for Ron Paul. Here is Mr. Paul taking on one of my least favorite organizations, the Federal Reserve:
Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul took a break from the campaign trail today — fresh off Michigan and Arizona primaries — to turn to favorite issue in Washington: Calling for the end of the Federal Reserve.
Mr. Paul is on hand at Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s semiannual testimony to Congress to challenge Mr. Bernanke. He wasted no time in his opening statement. “What we are witnessing today is the end stages of a grand experiment,” he said. The Fed’s control of the nation’s money supply, he said, has bred economic bubbles and a drop in the purchasing power of the dollar. It will soon end, Mr. Paul said, because the nation is taking on too much debt which the Fed has facilitated. Continue by clicking here

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